
You can then define your own custom Fold to log the values to a file:

import org.atnos.eff._, all._, syntax.all._
      import cats.data.Writer
      import java.io.PrintWriter
      import scala.io

      type S = Fx.fx1[Writer[String, *]]

      val action: Eff[S, Int] = for {
        a <- pure[S, Int](1)
        _ <- tell("first value " + a)
        b <- pure[S, Int](2)
        _ <- tell("second value " + b)

      } yield a + b

// define a fold to output values
      def fileFold(path: String) = new RightFold[String, Unit] {
        type S = PrintWriter
        val init: S = new PrintWriter(path)

        def fold(a: String, s: S): S = { s.println(a); s }

        def finalize(s: S): Unit =


> List(second value 2, first value 1)