
The Task effect is a thin shim on top of Monix’s Task. This effect is not bundled in core Eff and requires the eff-monix extension to use.

Now, let’s create some Task effects:

import org.atnos.eff._
      import org.atnos.eff.addon.monix.task._
      import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.monix.task._

      import monix.eval.Task

      type R = Fx.fx2[Task, Option]

      val action: Eff[R, Int] =
        for {
          // create a value now
          a <- Eff.pure[R, Int](1)

          // evaluate a value later, on the thread pool specified by a Monix `Scheduler`, and continue when it's finished
          b <- taskDelay[R, Int](1)
        } yield b

Then we need to pass a Monix Scheduler in to begin the computation.

      implicit val scheduler =
        monix.execution.Scheduler(ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(10)): ExecutionContext)

Monix doesn’t natively offer an Await API to block on a Task result. Instead it advises converting to a Scala Future and using Await.result. See https://monix.io/docs/3x/eval/task.html#blocking-for-a-result

      import scala.concurrent.Await

      Await.result(action.runOption.runAsync.runToFuture, 1.second)

> Some(1)