There is an abuse of language here. The name “stack” comes from
“monad stack” used when talking about monad transformers. With
though, effects are modelled differently, as a tree of
For example the type level representation of four effects
T1, T2, T3, T4
is represented as:
Fx.fx4[T1, T2, T3, T4]
// or
Fx3[T2, T3, T4]
So every-time we manipulate effects at the type level we modify a
tree of effects. For example, interpreting the effect T3
would leave us with the tree:
Fx2[T2, T4]
This code should prove it:
// for now the following implicit summoning crashes the compiler
// val member_ : Member.Aux[T3, FxAppend[Fx1[T1], Fx3[T2, T3, T4]], FxAppend[Fx1[T1], Fx2[T2, T4]]] =
// implicitly[Member.Aux[T3, FxAppend[Fx1[T1], Fx3[T2, T3, T4]], FxAppend[Fx1[T1], Fx2[T2, T4]]]]
Unfortunately the compiler has some difficulties with it, so you can
either get the member value by using the implicit definitions “manually”
or you can just summon the member instance without the Aux
import org.atnos.eff._
// so you need to explicitly define the implicit
val member_ : Member.Aux[T3, FxAppend[Fx1[T1], Fx3[T2, T3, T4]], FxAppend[Fx1[T1], Fx2[T2, T4]]] =
// but this works
val member: Member[T3, FxAppend[Fx1[T1], Fx3[T2, T3, T4]]] =
implicitly[Member[T3, FxAppend[Fx1[T1], Fx3[T2, T3, T4]]]]
More importantly the compiler is still able to track the right types resulting of the interpretation of a given effect so the following compiles ok:
import org.atnos.eff._
def runT3[R, U, A](e: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[T3, R, U]): Eff[U, A] = ???
def runT2[R, U, A](e: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[T2, R, U]): Eff[U, A] = ???
def runT1[R, U, A](e: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[T1, R, U]): Eff[U, A] = ???
def runT4[R, U, A](e: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Member.Aux[T4, R, U]): Eff[U, A] = ???
type S = FxAppend[Fx1[T1], Fx3[T2, T3, T4]]
runT1(runT4(runT2(runT3(Eff.send[T3, S, Int](???)))))
A typical use case for this is to transform a stack having a
Reader[S, *]
effect to a stack having a
Reader[B, *]
effect where S
is “contained” in
(meaning that there is a mapping from B
“big”, to S
, “small”). Here is an example:
import org.atnos.eff._, all._
import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._
import cats._
case class Conf(host: String, port: Int)
type ReaderPort[A] = Reader[Int, A]
type ReaderHost[A] = Reader[String, A]
type ReaderConf[A] = Reader[Conf, A]
type S1 = Fx.fx2[ReaderHost, Option]
type S2 = Fx.fx2[ReaderPort, Option]
type SS = Fx.fx2[ReaderConf, Option]
val readHost: Eff[S1, String] = for {
c <- ask[S1, String]
h <- OptionEffect.some[S1, String]("hello")
} yield h
val readPort: Eff[S2, String] = for {
c <- ask[S2, Int]
h <- OptionEffect.some[S2, String]("world")
} yield h
val fromHost = new (ReaderHost ~> ReaderConf) {
def apply[X](r: ReaderHost[X]) = Reader((c: Conf) =>
val fromPort = new (ReaderPort ~> ReaderConf) {
def apply[X](r: ReaderPort[X]) = Reader((c: Conf) =>
val action: Eff[SS, String] = for {
s1 <- readHost.transform(fromHost)
s2 <- readPort.transform(fromPort)
} yield s1 + " " + s2
action.runReader(Conf("", 8080))
> Some(hello world)
There are also specialized versions of transform
and State
takes a “getter”
B => A
to transform a stack with a
Reader[A, *]
into a stack with a
Reader[B, *]
takes a “getter”
S => T
and a “setter” (S, T) => S
to to
transform a stack with a State[T, *]
into a stack with a
State[S, *]
A common thing to do is to translate effects (a webservice DSL for
example) into multiple others (TimedFuture
, Either
, etc…).
For example you might have this stack:
type S = Fx.fx3[Authenticated, TimedFuture, Either[AuthError, *]]
And you want to write an interpreter which will translate
authentication actions into TimedFuture
import org.atnos.eff._
import org.atnos.eff.syntax.eff._
import org.atnos.eff.future._
import org.atnos.eff.interpret._
import scala.concurrent.Future
// list of access rights for a valid token
case class AccessRights(rights: List[String])
// authentication error
case class AuthError(message: String)
// DSL for authenticating users
sealed trait Authenticated[A]
case class Authenticate(token: String) extends Authenticated[AccessRights]
type _authenticate[U] = Authenticated |= U
type AuthErroEither[A] = AuthError Either A
type _error[U] = AuthErroEither |= U
* The order of implicit parameters is really important for type inference!
* see below
def runAuth[R, U, A](e: Eff[R, A])(implicit authenticated: Member.Aux[Authenticated, R, U], future: _future[U], either: _error[U]): Eff[U, A] =
translate(e)(new Translate[Authenticated, U] {
def apply[X](ax: Authenticated[X]): Eff[U, X] =
ax match {
case Authenticate(token) =>
// send the TimedFuture effect in the stack U
// send the Either value in the stack U
// call to a service to authenticate tokens
def authenticateImpl(token: String): Future[AuthError Either AccessRights] =
Future.successful[AuthError Either AccessRights] { Left(AuthError("token invalid!")) }
def authenticate[S: _authenticate](token: String) = Authenticate(token).send
type S1 = Fx.fx3[Authenticated, Either[AuthError, *], TimedFuture]
type R1 = Fx.fx2[Either[AuthError, *], TimedFuture]
val result: Eff[R1, AccessRights] = runAuth(authenticate[S1]("faketoken"))
The call to send
above needs to send an
value in the stack U
. This is
possible because TimedFuture
is an effect in U
as evidenced by future
Furthermore, authenticate
returns an
Either[AuthError, *]
value. We can “collapse” it into
because Either[AuthError, *]
is an effect of
as evidenced by either
You might wonder why we don’t use a more direct type signature like:
def runAuth2[R, U :_future :_error, A](e: Eff[R, A])(
implicit authenticated: Member.Aux[Authenticated, R, U]): Eff[U, A]
The reason is that scalac desugars this to:
def runAuth2[R, U, A](e: Eff[R, A])(
implicit future: _future[U],
either: _error[U],
authenticated: Member.Aux[Authenticated, R, U]): Eff[U, A] =
And then authenticated
is last in the list of implicits
parameters and can not be used to guide type inference.
Let’s say you have a method to run database queries
import org.atnos.eff._
import org.atnos.eff.all._
trait Db[A]
type _writerString[R] = Writer[String, *] |= R
def runDb[R, U, A](queries: Eff[R, A])(implicit db: Member.Aux[Db, R, U], eval: _eval[U], writer: _writerString[U]): Eff[U, A] = ???
The database queries (the Db
effect) are being executed
by the runDb
method inside the Eval
and they use a WriterString
effect to log what is being
However you know that some clients of your component don’t care about
the logs and they don’t want to have the WriterString
effect. that they consider an implementation detail.
So you’d like to provide this additional method:
def executeOnDb[R, U, A](queries: Eff[R, A])(implicit db: Member.Aux[Db, R, U], eval: _eval[U]): Eff[U, A] = ???
How can you implement executeOnDb
import org.atnos.eff.all._
import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._
def executeOnDb[R, U, A](queries: Eff[R, A])(implicit db: Member.Aux[Db, R, U], eval: _eval[U]): Eff[U, A] = {
type S = Fx.prepend[WriterString, R]
You create a “local” stack containing the WriterString
effect using the prepend
method. You now run the
effect and discard the logs to finally return only
Eff[U, A]
We can create effects for a given effect stack, for example to interact with a Hadoop cluster. We can also define another stack, for storing and retrieving data on S3.
import org.atnos.eff._
import all._
import cats.Eval
object HadoopStack {
case class HadoopConf(mappers: Int)
type HadoopReader[A] = Reader[HadoopConf, A]
type WriterString[A] = Writer[String, A]
type Hadoop = Fx.fx3[HadoopReader, WriterString, Eval]
def readFile(path: String): Eff[Hadoop, String] =
for {
c <- ask[Hadoop, HadoopConf]
_ <- tell[Hadoop, String]("Reading from " + path)
} yield c.mappers.toString
def runHadoopReader[R, U, A](conf: HadoopConf)(e: Eff[R, A])(implicit r: Member.Aux[HadoopReader, R, U]): Eff[U, A] =
object S3Stack {
case class S3Conf(bucket: String)
type S3Reader[A] = Reader[S3Conf, A]
type WriterString[A] = Writer[String, A]
type S3 = Fx.fx3[S3Reader, WriterString, Eval]
def writeFile(key: String, content: String): Eff[S3, Unit] =
for {
c <- ask[S3, S3Conf]
_ <- tell[S3, String]("Writing to bucket " + c.bucket + ": " + content)
} yield ()
def runS3Reader[R, U, A](conf: S3Conf)(e: Eff[R, A])(implicit r: Member.Aux[S3Reader, R, U]): Eff[U, A] =
So what happens when you want to both use S3 and Hadoop? As you can see from the definition above those 2 stacks share some common effects, so the resulting stack we want to work with is:
import org.atnos.eff._
import cats.Eval
import HadoopStack._
import S3Stack.{WriterString => _, _}
type HadoopS3 = Fx.fx4[S3Reader, HadoopReader, WriterString, Eval]
Then we can use the into
method to inject effects from
each stack into this common stack:
import S3Stack._
import HadoopStack._
// this imports the `into` and runXXX syntax
import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._
val action = for {
// read a file from hadoop
s <- readFile("/tmp/data").into[HadoopS3]
// write a file on S3
_ <- writeFile("key", s).into[HadoopS3]
} yield ()
// and we can run the composite action
> ((),List(Reading from /tmp/data, Writing to bucket bucket: 10))
You can find a fully working example of this approach in