Extensible effects are an alternative to monad transformers for computing with effects in a functional way. This library uses a “free-er” monad and extensible effects to create an “effect stack” as described in Oleg Kiselyov’s paper.
There are lots of advantages to this approach:
operations can be declared as “requiring” an effect, without the need to fix the full stack of effects in advance
effects handlers are modular and can be replaced with other implementations as needed (even at runtime)
the underlying implementation is performant and stack-safe
existing monadic datatypes can be integrated to the library
effect stacks can be modified or combined
This is probably very abstract so let’s see more precisely what this all means.
Please make sure you have done all the setup described on the Installation page first
A monadic action is modelled as a value of type
Eff[R, A]
where R
denotes a set of effects and
is the value returned by the computation, possibly
triggering some effects when evaluated.
The effects R
are modelled by a type-level list of
“effect constructors”, for example:
import cats._, data._
import org.atnos.eff._
type ReaderInt[A] = Reader[Int, A]
type WriterString[A] = Writer[String, A]
type Stack = Fx.fx3[WriterString, ReaderInt, Eval]
The stack Stack
above declares 3 effects:
a ReaderInt
effect to access some configuration
number of type Int
a WriterString
effect to log string
an Eval
effect to only compute values on demand (a
bit like lazy values)
Now we can write a program with those 3 effects, using the primitive
operations provided by ReaderEffect
and EvalEffect
import org.atnos.eff.all._
import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._
// useful type aliases showing that the ReaderInt and the WriterString effects are "members" of R
// note that R could have more effects
type _readerInt[R] = ReaderInt |= R
type _writerString[R] = WriterString |= R
def program[R: _readerInt: _writerString: _eval]: Eff[R, Int] = for {
// get the configuration
n <- ask[R, Int]
// log the current configuration value
_ <- tell("the required power is " + n)
// compute the nth power of 2
a <- delay(math.pow(2, n.toDouble).toInt)
// log the result
_ <- tell("the result is " + a)
} yield a
// run the action with all the interpreters
// each interpreter running one effect
> (64,List(the required power is 6, the result is 64))
As you can see, all the effects of the Stack
type are
being executed one by one:
effect, which provides a value,
, to each computation needing itWriter
effect, which logs messagesEval
effect to compute the “power of 2
extracts the final result
Maybe you noticed that the effects are not being executed in
the same order as their order in the stack declaration. The effects can
indeed be executed in any order. This doesn’t mean though that the
results will be the same. For example running the Writer
effect then Either
effect returns
String Either (A, List[String])
whereas running the
effect then the Writer
effect returns
(String Either A, List[String])
This all works thanks to some implicits definitions guiding Scala type inference towards the right return types. You can learn more on implicits in the implicits section.
You can now get a more detailed presentation of the use of the Eff monad by reading the tutorial or you can learn about other effects supported by this library.