
The Either effect is similar to the Option effect but adds the possibility to specify why a computation stopped:

import org.atnos.eff._, all._, syntax.all._

   * Stack declaration
      type S = Fx.fx1[Either[String, *]]

      // compute with this stack
      val map: Map[String, Int] =
        Map("key1" -> 10, "key2" -> 20)

      // get 2 keys from the map and add the corresponding values
      def addKeys(key1: String, key2: String): Eff[S, Int] = for {
        a <- optionEither(map.get(key1), s"'$key1' not found")
        b <- optionEither(map.get(key2), s"'$key2' not found")
      } yield a + b

      (addKeys("key1", "key2").runEither.run, addKeys("key1", "missing").runEither.run)

> (Right(30),Left('missing' not found))

Note: the * syntax comes from the kind-projector project and allows us to avoid type lambdas.

A catchLeft method can also be used to intercept an error and possibly recover from it:

      case class TooBig(value: Int)
      type E = Fx.fx1[Either[TooBig, *]]

      val i = 7

      val value: Eff[E, Int] =
        if (i > 5) left[E, TooBig, Int](TooBig(i))
        else right[E, TooBig, Int](i)

      val action: Eff[E, Int] = catchLeft[E, TooBig, Int](value) { case TooBig(k) =>
        if (k < 10) right[E, TooBig, Int](k)
        else left[E, TooBig, Int](TooBig(k))

      action.runEither.run ==== Right(7)

Note: the type annotations on left and right can be avoided by adding an implicit declaration in scope. You can learn more about this in the Implicits section.