This tutorial is intentionally structured like the Free monad tutorial for cats so that a side-by-side comparison of the 2 approaches is possible.
Let’s imagine that we want to create a DSL for a key-value store. We want to be able to do three things with keys:
The idea is to write a sequence of these operations in the embedded DSL as a “program”, interpret the “program”, and finally execute the “program” to interact with the actual key-value store.
For example:
put("toto", 3)
get("toto") // returns 3
But we want:
ADT stands for “Algebraic Data Type”. In this context, it refers to a closed set of types which can be combined to build up complex, recursive values.
We need to create an ADT to represent our key-value operations:
// the type parameter A can be read as the type of value returned by the operation
sealed trait KVStore[+A]
case class Put[T](key: String, value: T) extends KVStore[Unit]
case class Get[T](key: String) extends KVStore[Option[T]]
case class Delete(key: String) extends KVStore[Unit]
There are four basic steps to “freeing” the ADT:
These methods will let you create Eff
values for your
key-value store “Effect”:
import org.atnos.eff._
// T |= R is an alias for MemberIn[T, R]
// stating that effects of type T[_] can be injected in the effect stack R
// It is also equivalent to MemberIn[KVStore, R]
type _kvstore[R] = KVStore |= R
/** store returns nothing (i.e. Unit) */
def store[T, R: _kvstore](key: String, value: T): Eff[R, Unit] =
Eff.send[KVStore, R, Unit](Put(key, value))
/** find returns a T value if the key exists */
def find[T, R: _kvstore](key: String): Eff[R, Option[T]] =
Eff.send[KVStore, R, Option[T]](Get(key))
/** delete returns nothing (i.e. Unit) */
def delete[R: _kvstore](key: String): Eff[R, Unit] =
/** update composes get and put, and returns nothing. */
def update[T, R: _kvstore](key: String, f: T => T): Eff[R, Unit] =
for {
ot <- find[T, R](key)
_ <- => store[T, R](key, f(t))).getOrElse(Eff.pure(()))
} yield ()
Each method requires the KVStore
effect to be a member
of an “effect stack” R
. The return values are of type
Eff[R, A]
where R
is a stack of effects
possibly containing other effects than key-value store operations and
yielding values of type A
Now that we can construct values with KVStore
effects we
can use our DSL to write “programs” using a for-comprehension:
import org.atnos.eff._
def program[R: _kvstore]: Eff[R, Option[Int]] =
for {
_ <- store("wild-cats", 2)
_ <- update[Int, R]("wild-cats", _ + 12)
_ <- store("tame-cats", 5)
n <- find[Int, R]("wild-cats")
_ <- delete("tame-cats")
} yield n
This looks like a monadic flow. However, it just builds a recursive data structure representing the sequence of operations.
As you may have understood now, Eff
is used to create an
embedded DSL. By itself, this DSL only represents a sequence of
operations (defined by a recursive data structure); it doesn’t produce
is a programming language inside your programming
So, like any other programming language, we need to interpret our abstract language into concrete values.
To do this, we will use an interpreter transforming our
effects using a simple mutable map:
import org.atnos.eff._
import interpret._
import cats.Traverse
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.collection.mutable._
* Unsafe interpreter for KVStore effects
* the program will crash if a type is incorrectly specified.
* The interpreter requires the KVStore effect to be a Member of R (with <=)
* Meaning that we can statically know the resulting type once we have removed
* KVStore from R, and this type is m.Out.
* The interpreter uses the `interpretUnsafe` method from `org.atnos.eff.Interpreter` to implement a
* stack-safe interpretation of effects as a side-effect.
* `interpretUnsafe` needs the definition of a side-effect where
* we get each `KVStore[X]` effect, run side-effects and return a value `X`.
* The resulting effect stack is m.Out which is R without the KVStore effects
def runKVStoreUnsafe[R, A](effects: Eff[R, A])(using m: KVStore <= R): Eff[m.Out, A] = {
// a very simple (and imprecise) key-value store
val kvs = Map.empty[String, Any]
val sideEffect = new SideEffect[KVStore] {
def apply[X](kv: KVStore[X]): X =
kv match {
case Put(key, value) =>
println(s"put($key, $value)")
kvs.put(key, value)
case Get(key) =>
case Delete(key) =>
def applicative[X, Tr[_]: Traverse](ms: Tr[KVStore[X]]): Tr[X] =
interpretUnsafe(effects)(sideEffect)(using m)
Please note this interpreter is impure – it mutates kvs
and also produces logging output using println
. The whole
purpose of functional programming isn’t to prevent side-effects, it is
just to push side-effects to the boundaries of your system in a
well-known and controlled way.
We can also interpret KVStore
effects differently and
delegate the results to other effects in the same stack:
for maintaining the map of valuesWriter
for loggingEither[E, *]
for type errors
import org.atnos.eff._
import org.atnos.eff.either._
import org.atnos.eff.writer._
import org.atnos.eff.state._
import org.atnos.eff.interpret._
import cats.syntax.all._
type _writerString[R] = Writer[String, *] |= R
type _stateMap[R] = State[Map[String, Any], *] |= R
* Safe interpreter for KVStore effects
* It uses the following effects:
* - Writer to create log statements
* - State to update a key-value Map
* - Either to raise errors if the type of an object in the map is not of the expected type
* The resulting effect stack is U which is R without the KVStore effects
* Note that we just require the Throwable, Writer and State effects to
* be able to be created in the stack U
* This interpreter uses the org.atnos.eff.interpreter.translate method
* translating one effect of the stack to other effects in the same stack
* - It is really important for type inference that the effects for U are listed after those for R!
* Implicit member definitions will NOT be found with the following definition:
* def runKVStore[R, U :_throwableEither :_writerString :_stateMap, A](effects: Eff[R, A]) (
* implicit m: Member.Aux[KVStore, R, U]): Eff[U, A] = {
def runKVStore[R, U, A](
effects: Eff[R, A]
)(using m: Member.Aux[KVStore, R, U], throwable: _throwableEither[U], writer: _writerString[U], state: _stateMap[U]): Eff[U, A] = {
translate(effects)(new Translate[KVStore, U] {
def apply[X](kv: KVStore[X]): Eff[U, X] =
kv match {
case Put(key, value) =>
for {
_ <- tell(s"put($key, $value)")
_ <- modify((map: Map[String, Any]) => map.updated(key, value))
r <- fromEither(Either.catchNonFatal(()))
} yield r
case Get(key) =>
for {
_ <- tell(s"get($key)")
m <- get[U, Map[String, Any]]
r <- fromEither(Either.catchNonFatal(m.get(key).asInstanceOf[X]))
} yield r
case Delete(key) =>
for {
_ <- tell(s"delete($key)")
_ <- modify((map: Map[String, Any]) => map - key)
r <- fromEither(Either.catchNonFatal(()))
} yield r
is just a recursive structure that can be seen as
sequence of operations producing other operations, with potentially
other effects. In this way it is similar to folding a List
We often use folds (e.g. foldRight
) to obtain a single
value from a list; this recurses over the structure, combining its
The idea behind an Eff
interpreter is exactly the same.
We “fold” the recursive structure by:
An important aspect of interpreters is stack-safety. An interpreter
evaluates each step of a computation on the stack then calls itself to
evaluate the other steps. The org.atnos.eff.interpreter
object provides various methods helping you write a stack-safe
makes you define a
trait to return a value X
from an
effect T[X]
makes you define a Translate
trait to “translate” your effect into other effects in the same
both are specialized version of interpret1
makes you define a Recurse
trait to either return a value
from an effect or produce another Eff
The final step is naturally running your program after interpreting
it to another Eff
value. We need to
(just one effect in the
stack)Eff[NoFx, A]
to get an A
Like this: `> Some(14)`
With the safe interpreter, the process is the same and we need to
effect with run
Like that: ``
> Right(Some(14))
put(wild-cats, 2)
put(wild-cats, 14)
put(tame-cats, 5)
It is nice to be able to “chain” run
methods with this
additional piece of syntax: ``
> Right(Some(14))
put(wild-cats, 2)
put(wild-cats, 14)
put(tame-cats, 5)
Real world applications often time combine different algebras. The
typelevel set of effects R
in Eff[R, A]
us compose different algebras in the context of Eff
Let’s see a trivial example of unrelated ADT’s getting composed that can form a more complex program. First you define your ADTs with smart constructors:
import org.atnos.eff._
import all._
sealed trait Interact[A]
case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[String]
case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit]
type _interact[R] = Interact |= R
def askUser[R: _interact](prompt: String): Eff[R, String] =
def tellUser[R: _interact](message: String): Eff[R, Unit] =
sealed trait DataOp[A]
type _dataOp[R] = DataOp |= R
case class AddCat(a: String) extends DataOp[Unit]
case class GetAllCats() extends DataOp[List[String]]
def addCat[R: _dataOp](a: String): Eff[R, Unit] =
def getAllCats[R: _dataOp]: Eff[R, List[String]] =
Then you simply require your program to have MemberIn
instances for those effects:
import org.atnos.eff._
def program[R: _interact: _dataOp]: Eff[R, Unit] =
for {
cat <- askUser("What's the kitty's name?")
_ <- addCat(cat)
cats <- getAllCats
_ <- tellUser("Current cats: " + cats.mkString(", "))
} yield ()
Finally we write one interpreter per ADT:
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
import org.atnos.eff._
import interpret._
def readLine(): String =
def runInteract[R, A](effect: Eff[R, A])(using m: Interact <= R): Eff[m.Out, A] =
recurse(effect)(new Recurser[Interact, m.Out, A, A] {
def onPure(a: A): A = a
def onEffect[X](i: Interact[X]): Either[X, Eff[m.Out, A]] = Left[X, Eff[m.Out, A]] {
i match {
case Ask(prompt) =>
case Tell(msg) =>
def onApplicative[X, T[_]: Traverse](ms: T[Interact[X]]): Either[T[X], Interact[T[X]]] =
Left( {
case Ask(prompt) => println(prompt); readLine()
case Tell(msg) => println(msg)
})(using m)
def runDataOp[R, A](effect: Eff[R, A])(using m: DataOp <= R): Eff[m.Out, A] = {
val memDataSet = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String]
recurse(effect)(new Recurser[DataOp, m.Out, A, A] {
def onPure(a: A): A = a
def onEffect[X](i: DataOp[X]): Either[X, Eff[m.Out, A]] = Left[X, Eff[m.Out, A]] {
i match {
case AddCat(a) => memDataSet.append(a); ()
case GetAllCats() => memDataSet.toList
def onApplicative[X, T[_]: Traverse](ms: T[DataOp[X]]): Either[T[X], DataOp[T[X]]] =
Left( {
case AddCat(a) => memDataSet.append(a); ()
case GetAllCats() => memDataSet.toList
})(using m)
Now if we run our program for a Stack combining both effects and type in “snuggles” when prompted, we see something like this:``
What's the kitty's name?
Current cats: snuggles